Secret Store
Customer Messaging
On the 9th of January 2025, Rust will be releasing a new version of its coding language, version 1.84. Our Engineers will be performing additional research into this new version to ensure optimal compatibility with our Compute platform.
Customers identified to have services impacted by this change, would have received an email notification with additional details.
- Refer to subject line, (Action Required) Compute Services, Pending Rust Version 1.84 Release in January 2025
In order to avoid issues or disruption when attempting to build existing Compute projects, we ask that our customers with Rust-based Compute services not perform an update to Rust version 1.84 or later until you have received a software development kit (SDK) update from Fastly.
What’s Changing?
A new version of Rust is scheduled to be released on the 9th of January 2025 that has not been fully vetted by our Engineers to ensure that the version is supported on our Compute platform.
What’s next? What do I have to do?
In accordance with our standardized best practice, customers who have Rust-based Compute services should update their Fastly CLI to the latest version (v10.17.0), or later, in order to run adequate checks on your version of Rust and compatibility with Compute, before building and deploying your code to the platform.
Our engineers are currently evaluating the upcoming Rust release (v1.84), and will release a subsequent SDK update once 1.84 platform compatibility is confirmed.
Additionally, if you are using the Rust toolchain in your CI pipeline, then you will also need to apply an upper bound for Rust at v1.83 as well.
Customers with any questions or concerns may engage with our Support team through or by contacting your designated account management team members.We are investigating elevated errors to our Compute and Next-Gen WAF (NGWAF) services.
All other products and services are unaffected by this incident.
Status Post, Created Date/Time: 2024-10-02 19:56 UTC
Note: Our Customer Escalation Management team will update the start date and time of this status post upon the resolution of this incident. This update is meant to provide our customers and their end users with a potential impact window. The date and time mentioned in the message above indicates when the status post was requested by our Acute Incident Response team.
Our engineers have identified the contributing factor and are applying a fix to our Compute and Next-Gen WAF (NGWAF) services.
All other locations and services are unaffected.
Engineering has confirmed the impact to our Compute and Next-Gen WAF (NGWAF) services has been mitigated.
Engineering has confirmed that Compute and Next-Gen WAF (NGWAF) services have been fully restored. Customers may have experienced errors when deploying Edge WAF services from 14:41 to 19:52 UTC.
This incident is resolved.
To offer feedback on our status page, click "Give Feedback"
Status post create date/time: 2024-09-26 17:26:36 UTC
We are currently investigating into intermittent timeout errors and increased latency for end-users attempting to connect to our Fastly Compute services.
Note: at the close of this incident, our Customer Escalation Management team will update the start date/time to reflect the possible impact window for our customer records. The status post create date/time will remain logged in this message body to reflect our Acute Incident Response practices.
Our engineers have identified the contributing factor and are applying a fix to our Fastly Compute services.
All other services are unaffected.
Our engineers have identified the contributing factor and are continuing to apply the mitigation strategy to our Fastly Compute services.
All other services are unaffected.
Engineering has deployed a fix and have confirmed a gradual recovery to our Fastly Compute services. We will continue to monitor until we’ve confirmed that customer experience has been fully restored.
All other services were unaffected by this incident.
Engineering has confirmed that our Fastly Compute services have been fully restored. Our customers' end-users may have experienced brief periods of intermittent timeout errors and latency when using Compute services from the 29th of July 2024 at 21:12 UTC to 26th of September 2024 at 19:00 UTC.
This incident is resolved.
Due to the intermittent nature of this incident, affected end-users would have experienced impact to varying degrees and to a shorter period of duration than as set forth above.
Fastly will be performing scheduled maintenance on our Secret Store. During this time customers may experience intermittent write errors for Secret Store secrets when writing via from 23 July 2024, 21:00 UTC - 23 July 2024, 21:30 UTC as a result of this maintenance.
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
To offer feedback on our status page, click "Give Feedback"
Our engineers detected an unplanned event that contained impact to our Compute service.
This event is resolved, and there is no remaining impact.
Customers may have experienced delays in change requests to configurations on Compute from 17:29 to 17:46 UTC. (~17min duration)
All other Compute requests remain unaffected during the impact duration.
Please engage with our Support team through if you have any questions and/or concerns.
On the 22nd of April 2024, Fastly released an update to our SDK Changelog - Rust SDK 0.10.0. - in order to better align the behavior experienced when working with the request and response objects in Rust.
This Rust SDK is not backwards-compatible with prior versions of SDK.
A recent customer report has led our engineers to discover that customers who have used the Response::with_header() function in Rust will encounter unexpected behavior until the changes documented within our Changelog have been applied.
We have checked our open support cases and confirmed there are no active reports of impact by our customers. Fastly Compute customers working with the Response::with_header() function in the Rust SDK will need to apply the changes shared in our SDK Changelog to their application code.
Please engage with our Support team through if you have questions and/or concerns.
We are currently investigating performance issues affecting the VCL configuration and Compute@Edge module updates. CDN delivery, stats aggregation, and all other data plane services are unaffected.
This issue has been identified and a fix is being implemented.
This incident has been resolved.