Origin Inspector
We're currently investigating performance issues with our Origin Inspector service.
All other services are unaffected.
Our engineers have identified the contributing factor and are applying a fix to our Origin Inspector service.
Engineering has deployed a fix and have confirmed a gradual recovery to our Origin Inspector service. We will continue to monitor until we’ve confirmed that customer experience has been fully restored.
Engineering has confirmed that our Origin Inspector service has been fully restored. Customers may have experienced increased latency of Origin Inspector data being visible in the Historical Stats API from 21:50 to 23:15 UTC.
This incident is resolved.
Affected customers may have experienced impact to varying degrees and to a shorter duration than as set forth above.
We are investigating elevated errors for evaluating Fastly Alerts configured on Domain Inspector and Origin Inspector metrics.
Our engineers have identified the contributing factor and are applying a fix our Domain Inspector, Origin Inspector.
Engineering has confirmed the impact to Domain Inspector, Origin Inspector has been mitigated.
Engineering has confirmed that impact to the Domain Inspector and Origin Inspector metrics has been fully restored. Customers may have experienced degraded service for Fastly Alerts from 21:42 to 23:05 UTC.
This incident is resolved.
We're currently investigating performance issues with our Origin Inspector service.
All other services are unaffected.
Our engineers have identified the contributing factor and are applying a fix to Origin Inspector
Engineering has deployed a fix and have confirmed a gradual recovery to Origin Inspector. We will continue to monitor until we’ve confirmed that customer experience has been fully restored.
Engineering has confirmed that our Origin Inspector service has been fully restored. Customers may have experienced missing historical Origin Inspector metrics in both the APIs and web interface from the 14th December 2023 at 00:00 to the 20th of December 2023 at 03:18 UTC.
This incident is resolved.