Domain Inspector
We are investigating elevated errors for evaluating Fastly Alerts configured on Domain Inspector and Origin Inspector metrics.
Our engineers have identified the contributing factor and are applying a fix our Domain Inspector, Origin Inspector.
Engineering has confirmed the impact to Domain Inspector, Origin Inspector has been mitigated.
Engineering has confirmed that impact to the Domain Inspector and Origin Inspector metrics has been fully restored. Customers may have experienced degraded service for Fastly Alerts from 21:42 to 23:05 UTC.
This incident is resolved.
Fastly Engineering identified a performance impacting event to our Domain Inspector API services from 15:23 - 16:06 UTC. Customers may have experienced elevated 5xx errors during the duration of this incident. All other data centers and services were unaffected.
This incident is resolved. Our retrospective investigation has confirmed that there was no data lost as a result of this impact and all other services were unaffected.
Fastly Engineering identified a performance impacting event to our Domain Inspector API services from 15:26 to 16:07 UTC. Customers may have experienced elevated 5xx errors during the duration of this incident. All other data centers and services were unaffected.
This incident is resolved. Our retrospective investigation has confirmed that there was no data lost as a result of this impact and all other services were unaffected.