On-the-fly Packager

On-the-fly Packager
07 April 2022, 14:50 UTC
Fastly Engineers detected a performance impacting event affecting the availability of the Fastly On-the-fly Packager from approximately 2022-04-07 06:25 UTC to 2022-04-07 14:10 UTC. CDN delivery, stats aggregation, and all other data plane services were unaffected. The issue has been resolved and we are monitoring performance closely.
Image Optimization On-the-fly Packager
14 December 2020, 12:26 UTC
We are aware of a possible issue and are working to determine the scope and impact.
14 December 2020, 12:48 UTC
We are seeing increased errors across multiple customers with origins in a common cloud provider, with potential impact to Fastly systems that utilize this common cloud infrastructure.
14 December 2020, 13:20 UTC
We have confirmed impact between 11:50 UTC and 12:29 UTC for Fastly's Image Optimization and On The Fly Packager due to a common cloud provider issue. Customers with backends in this cloud provider may also have been impacted during this time frame, but appear to have recovered as of 12:29 UTC