Global POP Network (SEV1/0)
We're investigating possible performance impact affecting the Edge Cloud Platform for a subset of customers.
Our network availability and all other services are unaffected by this incident.
Our engineers have identified the contributing factor and are applying a fix to the Edge Cloud Platform.
As this fix is gradually deployed across the fleet, it may cause customers to see a temporary impact to their Cache Hit Ratio (CHR) and an increased origin pull.
Our engineers have deployed a gradual fleet-wide change to mitigate this issue. If you believe that your services have been impacted, you may reach out to for possible workaround solutions.
As this deployment reaches your service, you may experience a temporary impact to your CHR or observe an increased origin pull. Customers may see impact at varying degrees of duration as this change is deployed.
Our network availability and all other services delivered will remain unaffected by this incident.
This event has been resolved.
Status Post Updated 2/28
This post was updated to reflect "Global POP Network" instead of "Edge Cloud Platform" in response to a component structure initiative. All other details were unchanged and there was no further impact in response to this update.